4 Tips To Reach Your Goals Before Breakfast
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We all have wishes and dreams. About two out of ten of us even call them goals.
The problem is, that only a very small percentage of people — about 1% — turn their dreams and goals into real-life successes.
So what’s the difference between those who achieve their dreams and those who don’t?
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According to a goal achievement study, it comes down to one simple formula.
4 Easy Steps To Reach Your Goals:
STEP 1: Write Down Your Goals
First, get out a pen and paper!
We are 42% more likely to achieve goals that are written down — especially those that are written on a regular basis.
Too bad only 4% of us have actually done this!
Let’s remedy that by writing down our goals now, and moving on to step two.
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STEP 2: Break Each Goal Down Into Action Items
It’s just too nebulous to say “I want to lose weight” or “I want to be financially independent.”
Breaking larger goals into action items — for example “Stop eating sugar,” “Work out three times a week” or “Put an extra hundred dollars each month toward paying down debt” — will help move you along toward achieving what you desire.
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So once your goals are written down, break them down into steps. This is your new “to do” list that will take you straight to success.
STEP 3: Share Your Goals & Action Items with a Friend
Revealing your goals and plans to someone is a huge motivator to take action to achieve them.
You are taking a commitment to this goal and to this plan of action you made for yourself and confirming it verbally, with a witness.
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Every time you see or talk with this person, you will be reminded of your goal – which leads us to the final step in goal setting for success… giving progress updates!
STEP 4: Give Progress Updates
Giving regular progress updates keeps you focused — and accountable.
This is why you can see so many people posting their workouts on social media. It offers immediate positive feedback and serves as motivation to continue.
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Not to mention that knowing you have to confess to your friend that, instead of working out three times a week for 60 minutes, you’ve been binge-watching NetFlix and have actually gained two pounds, will make you think twice about how you spend your time.
By following all four steps — writing your goals down, breaking those goals down into action items, sharing them with a friend, and giving progress updates, you are a whopping 78.4% more likely to achieve them.
“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14
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Make It Your Goal To Quit Porn
If quitting porn is one of your goals, the Conquer Series will walk you through this four-step process.
Through the use of the interactive study guide and online journal, you’ll be able to write down your goals, or Commitment to Change, for the week.
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Then, you’ll break those weekly commitments into tasks and schedule them for the week ahead.
Sharing all of this — along with your progress toward those goals — with the other men in your group will make success a sure thing! And the best part is that through the use of Soul Refiner, a digital streaming platform, it’s now easier than ever to share your answers and journal entries with your group members or leaders.
Take time to journal every morning when you wake up and you’ll be well on your way to achieving your goals by breakfast time.
Here’s to seeing your dreams and goals come to fruition!