Finding Grace After Abortion: A Journey of Healing and Hope

Finding Grace After Abortion: A Journey of Healing and Hope

Dr. Doug Weiss’s new course, "Finding Grace After Abortion," offers profound insights and hope for those dealing with the aftermath of abortion. It provides a pathway to healing and self-forgiveness, especially for Christian women who struggle with isolation, guilt, and spiritual crisis. The course emphasizes that abortion does not define a person and includes actionable steps for healing, encouraging community support through groups. The perspective that the baby is an eternal soul provides hope and the promise of future reunion, transforming pain into anticipation and reassurance. Read Article

Tiana Wiles

Tiana Wiles

Finding Grace After Abortion: A Journey of Healing and Hope

Finding Grace After Abortion: A Journey of Healing and Hope

Dr. Doug Weiss’s new course, "Finding Grace After Abortion," offers profound insights and hope for those dealing with the aftermath of abortion. It provides a pathway to healing and self-forgiveness, especially for Christian women who struggle with isolation, guilt, and spiritual crisis. The course emphasizes that abortion does not define a person and includes actionable steps for healing, encouraging community support through groups. The perspective that the baby is an eternal soul provides hope and the promise of future reunion, transforming pain into anticipation and reassurance.

Corporations Who Contribute To Sexual Exploitation in 2024

Corporations Who Contribute To Sexual Exploitation in 2024

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) staunchly opposes corporations profiting from sexual exploitation, advocating for change through initiatives like The Dirty Dozen List, which exposes companies promoting pornography and sex trafficking. While some corporations have improved their policies after being listed, others continue to contribute to the issue. NCOSE urges individuals to take action, educate themselves and their families about the dangers of pornography, and seek healing through resources like the Conquer Series.

What Every Man Needs To Know About Women

What Every Man Needs To Know About Women

The post emphasizes the importance of understanding a woman's perspective in saving a marriage, particularly in the context of betrayal and addiction. It stresses the need for men to actively fight for their marriages by prioritizing their wives' healing and pursuing their own recovery from sexual sin. The two main points highlighted are understanding the wife's pain and helping her heal, and pursuing personal healing and freedom from addiction. It encourages men to take concrete steps towards these goals and emphasizes the transformative power of humility, empathy, and commitment to the marriage.

8 Ways To Conquer Resentment After Betrayal

8 Ways To Conquer Resentment After Betrayal

The post highlights the destructive nature of resentment on our mental and physical health, emphasizing the importance of conquering it. It provides eight methods for overcoming resentment, including acknowledging it, challenging distorted thinking, and practicing forgiveness. The post also encourages using personal pain to help others and emphasizes the transformative power of gratitude and forgiveness in healing.



The post emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries for emotional, physical, and spiritual health. It discusses how boundaries define personal values and protect individuals from enabling toxic behaviors. Using examples from Jesus's teachings, it underscores the need to establish boundaries to uphold righteousness and facilitate repentance. Additionally, it highlights the importance of focusing on God's approval rather than seeking validation from others.

How To Avoid Three Intimacy Killers

How To Avoid Three Intimacy Killers

The post emphasizes that marriage isn't solely about personal happiness but rather about serving each other and understanding God's plan for marriage. It suggests that selfish behaviors and neglect of serving each other can lead to a stale relationship. To spice things up, the post recommends prioritizing date nights, breaking out of routine, and prioritizing physical affection to strengthen the relationship. Ultimately, serving each other selflessly is crucial for a fulfilling marriage.

Do I Really Have To Tell My Wife Everything?

Do I Really Have To Tell My Wife Everything?

Simon still struggles with a secret he has kept for over 15 years. One night after an office party, he had sex with a female co-worker. Now he still wonders if he would need to tell his wife about the affair...

Creating A Masterpiece Out Of The Broken Pieces

Creating A Masterpiece Out Of The Broken Pieces

The pain of betrayal is something that is not commonly understood, until you’ve walked the journey. There are so many unanswered questions that swirl through one’s mind when a husband’s infidelity and porn addiction is first discovered...

What The Media Won’t Tell You About The Sexual Revolution (VIDEO)

What The Media Won’t Tell You About The Sexual Revolution (VIDEO)

The ‘Sexual Revolution’ is widely viewed as one of our culture’s great achievements. Supporters rejoice in the freedom to do whatever pleases them sexually. They even say science proves it’s a basic part of human nature. But...

Testimony: One Man's Desperate Attempt To Find Healing

Testimony: One Man's Desperate Attempt To Find Healing

Our testimony holds great weight and power, especially to someone who is in the valley looking for an ounce of hope to carry them through. In the battle for sexual purity and integrity...

4 Steps To Practicing Forgiveness

4 Steps To Practicing Forgiveness

Forgiving doesn’t come easy, especially when you’ve experienced the gut-wrenching pain of betrayal. It’s especially difficult when the offender shows no remorse or willingness to change...

This Is Why Trying Harder Doesn't Work

This Is Why Trying Harder Doesn't Work

I used to think the most profound thing in the world were pulsars, quasars and galaxies. No, the most profound thing in the world is your brain...

Identity Attacked: How Satan Authors Lies

Identity Attacked: How Satan Authors Lies

Since the beginning of time, identity has been repetitively attacked. It’s impossible to reach your destiny without being secure in your identity...

Here's How Full Disclosure Can Help Heal Your Marriage

Here's How Full Disclosure Can Help Heal Your Marriage

For the person caught in adultery, one of the most harrowing thoughts is in regards to making a full disclosure to their spouse. Some rush to spill the beans, but still withhold information...

5 Pathetic Excuses For Porn Use

5 Pathetic Excuses For Porn Use

Those struggling to break free from porn experience shame and the esteem-crushing impact of their ongoing battle with sexual material. In their porn use they have become experts at secrecy, deception, and lying...

Exposing The Porn Industry: It's Not As It Seems

Exposing The Porn Industry: It's Not As It Seems

A common misconception about pornography continues to engulf the lives of many men and women. For many, they see it as harmless. What they often don’t realize is the amount of devastation that pornography brings. It starts with an introduction...

5 Ways Porn Ruins Relationships

5 Ways Porn Ruins Relationships

Porn use is not a harmless activity that only involves the person viewing the material. It impacts the man’s family, social life, employment, relationship with God, and every other aspect of his life...

8 Songs For When You’re Feeling Broken

8 Songs For When You’re Feeling Broken

Music plays a profoundly healing and deeply spiritual role in our lives. But why is that? I believe it is because we were created to worship God, in deed and in song. When we sing to God we are...

Why Man Cannot Quit Porn Alone

Why Man Cannot Quit Porn Alone

Most men like to feel independent. They want to believe that they can handle any situation on their own, from fixing a leaky faucet to solving a complex problem and like their attempt to quit porn...

Why I Brought The Conquer Series To My Church

Why I Brought The Conquer Series To My Church

We received this powerful testimony from one of our Conquer Series Leader’s who has stepped up to the challenge, taken up his sword and is leading other men to victory in Christ! I had been reading Charisma Magazine online for several years...

How To Disciple Men Into Leaders

How To Disciple Men Into Leaders

Most church leaders would agree they face a constant problem of finding men who are willing to get involved. Not just in leadership positions, but in many roles within the church. But the need for strong leaders continues to grow...

What Does Proactive Accountability Look Like?

What Does Proactive Accountability Look Like?

Every day, we’re at war with the enemy. He desires to steal, kill, and destroy and is ultimately after our souls. But because it’s not enough for him to win us over...

Corn Is Becoming A Serious Problem For Christian Men

Corn Is Becoming A Serious Problem For Christian Men

The United Nations Commission on Addictions has announced that the growth of corn use and addiction cases has reached epidemic levels. Efforts to increase public awareness of this devastating problem are being launched...

3 Traits That Make A Great Leader

3 Traits That Make A Great Leader

What makes someone a great leader? According to a study out of the University of Texas at San Antonio, the most important quality is confidence. What is Confidence? It’s important to note that confidence can sometimes be confused with arrogance...

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