
Can You Really Be 100% Free From Porn?

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Once admitting to a struggle with porn, the next question is, “How do you find freedom?” Maybe you believe you have already tried everything, yet nothing seems to be working.

Maybe you’ve spent countless hours researching programs, or you joined a group, or committed to a book study. In all of these things, maybe you feel like the success rate is just too low for you to rouse any hope at all.

Though many studies and books are available, most of them do not get to the root of the problem. It’s similar to a doctor prescribing medication to manage a symptom without worrying about the illness itself.

When people first discover the Conquer Series, a cinematic teaching created to help men break free from the struggle with pornography, they are often surprised that its focus is not on trying harder.

Related Article: When Trying Harder Isn’t Enough

In fact, healing begins when you realize that nothing you’ve done has worked, and you allow God to take the reigns. That seems counter-intuitive, especially when compared to other methods out there.

Success Rate

This is a common question, especially when dealing with individuals who believe they have tried everything to quit pornography. They have been led to believe that a certain product or method of deflecting will enable them to avoid relapse. Sadly, many fall to the temptation of pornography once again.

Related Article: What Keeps Men Trapped In Porn? 3 Steps Towards Freedom

As a result, the cycle of guilt, shame, and medicating continues relentlessly.

The level of time and energy you are willing to devote to the process will significantly increase or decrease the effectiveness and success rate.

Dr. Ted Roberts, founder of Pure Desire Ministries and the host of the Conquer Series, has a 90% success rate with the men he has counseled. But for those who are willing to completely devote themselves to the journey, who give their all and stop at nothing to find freedom, will achieve 100% success rate.

Plan For Success

You have to be willing to go through the training and not just “try”. Marathon runners don’t just turn out on race day and decide to try to run. Instead, they start months ahead of time, they plan their routine, training every day for success.

Some days they may not reach their goal, but they continue training toward that ultimate goal – to finish the marathon. In the same way, let God train you for freedom.

Related Article: How Can I Break Free From Porn?

Abram Johnston of Montpelier, Ohio shared how the Conquer Series made a difference in his life. “I discovered porn when I was 8 years old, and was held captive to it for the last 20 years. I did everything in my power to break free from this. I opened up to pastors and counselors, went through rigorous programs, and disciplined myself to read the Bible and pray everyday. I even chose to study addictions counseling in college because I knew that I wanted to help others, but really I wanted to learn the skills to help myself.”

He continued,

“In the last two years, God changed my course to search for healing instead of working so hard to gain sobriety. This journey led me last year to the Conquer Series, which helped me intentionally walk through this healing with other men instead of trying to do it on my own. I can now say that I have been clean longer now than I have been in 20 years.”

How It Works

Each week, you will watch one video from the Conquer Series. Combining both Science and Scripture, the series looks at the strongholds of the enemy as well as wounds from the past that hold one in bondage to pornography and sexual sin. Men are encouraged to find their identity in Christ.

Related Article: Who Am I? Knowing Your Identity Brings Freedom From Porn

They will learn how to utilize the weapons provided by God to fight back and finish strong. Individuals will learn the science behind the brain, and the importance of renewing the mind. Furthermore, they will gain an understanding of why the years of trying harder has not worked.

Though designed as a cinematic teaching study, merely watching the weekly video is not going to be enough. It may pump you up. But if you’re not downloading the knowledge into your heart, your mind is not truly being transformed and renewed.

To get the most out of this powerful course, one should commit to utilizing the interactive study guide and online journal.

Interactive Study Guide

The interactive study guide provides key summary points from each video.

Maximize Your Learning with the Interactive Study Guide
Maximize Your Learning with the Interactive Study Guide

Related Article: Changing The Future Of Men's Small Groups

Here, you will find group discussion questions and accountability questions. These questions will not be merely based on what was in the video, as it’s not like studying for a test. Instead, they will combine knowledge with your own personal beliefs and understanding of what you’re learning.

Finally, the interactive study guide will provide you with assignments to work on throughout the week. These are geared towards helping you identify areas of woundedness in your soul, identifying the lies of the enemy, and putting a plan in action to help you as you move forward.

Robert shares,

“There’s a lot of great information in the Study Guide, but it’s worth the effort. My men’s group went through this and we loved it. There was information in the Study Guide that was not in the videos. If you’re doing the videos then you really should have the Study Guide to get the full benefit.”


The enemy is full of lies and deception, especially on the topic of pornography and sexual sin.

Related Article: Identity Attacked: How Satan Authors Lies

Men and women are led to believe that they are alone in their struggle. Fear of judgment frequently keeps individuals imprisoned to their sin. But in the dark, Satan is given room to masquerade as light. The entire dance floor of your life belongs to him, and he will orchestrate every act to ensure that you remain in bondage.

But there is such freedom when you can step out of your comfort zone, admitting to a trusted brother in Christ, that you are in fact struggling. Likely, you will realize that other people in your daily life are struggling and desiring freedom.

Related Article: What Does Proactive Accountability Look Like?

This is not a fight that you can win on your own. Yes, you may find momentary sobriety from pornography. But if you want the best chance of success, courageously join a Conquer Group.

Here, you will connect with other men who have walked out this journey. Maybe they have been free from pornography for years, maybe for a few months. And you’ll get connected with others who are still in the stage of taking things day to day, like yourself. But these men will hold you accountable to your choice.

Here you will make friendships, where you learn to trust them even on your worst days. You’ll learn that it’s safe to reach out to them when temptation is high. These men should become your accountability partners. They should receive the reports from the accountability software that you install on all of your devices.

Related Article: Which Accountability Software Is Right For Me?


The Conquer Series is a ten week course, but this does not mean that you’ll be immediately free upon completion. You may achieve sobriety in 90 days. However, it takes a full two to five years to completely renew the mind.

Those who have been through the Conquer Series will often go back through it two or three times. And then, while still remaining committed to a group, they will transition into Warpath.

Learn how to live permanently free from porn

Warpath is a long-term course for men who desire to pursue healing for themselves, their marriage, and their family – while also stepping into the fight for the men around them.

Related Article: How These Men Are Getting Over Porn

Warpath dives deeper into the topics covered in the Conquer Series. It will take 29 weeks to complete.

Success depends on you, and your level of commitment. Vigilance on the journey, in all things, is vital.

“Keep a cool head. Stay alert. The devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping.” – 1 Peter 5:8 MSG

Remember, God is faithful in all things. Today can be the day that your feet are finally set on the path to freedom.


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