Virtual Reality Porn Is The Next Greatest Threat To The Church
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A reporter invited to experience virtual reality pornography with a Samsung Gear VR headset chronicled the lifelike details of the sexual encounter. He noted “after trying out VR porn, I don’t think anyone who experiences it will be able to go back to 2D porn. It’s that realistic.”
The New York Times reports, “While virtual-reality pornography may feel like something out of a science fiction movie, it already has a formidable presence. Recent statistical data shows, views of VR porn are up 275 percent since it debuted in the summer of 2016. Now the site is averaging about 500,000 views (per day).”
Related Article: Summertime, Kids & Porn: What Parents Need to Know
Ready or not, the new frontier of pornography is here.
Ready or Not
However, as Josh McDowell asks (and answers) in the all new Conquer Series:
“Is the church ready for this? No, because they are not aware of it.”
In 2020, eMarketer reported that nearly 19% of US consumers (52 million people) used virtual reality that year. And in 2021, Grand View Research forecasted that from 2021 to 2028, the annual compound growth rate of the virtual reality market to be 18%!
These numbers are staggering to say the least! Many pastors are unfamiliar with virtual reality in general, unaware of Samsung Gear VR or Oculus Rift and the multi-billion-dollar industry around it (such as Oculus Rift being bought and developed by Facebook).
In 2016, the Barna Group, in partnership with Josh McDowell Ministry, launched a landmark study on the pervasive nature of Internet pornography and its impact on the church entitled The Porn Phenomenon: The Explosive Growth of Pornography and How It’s Impacting Your Church, Life, and Ministry. This 800+ page study investigates the pervasiveness of pornography, particularly among American Christians.
Related Article: Our Porn Saturated Culture Is Drifting Further From God’s Plan For Sex
A few of its findings include:
- Nearly half of young people are actively seeking pornography weekly or more frequently.
- More than one-in-four individuals between the ages of 25 and 30 first viewed porn before hitting puberty.
- 21 percent of youth pastors and 14 percent of pastors involved in the study are currently struggling with porn use.
However, the unique area of virtual reality has only begun to impact culture. Market Watch writer Jennifer Booton writes about how these interactive experiences are,
“…designed to be so powerful and immersive it tricks people into believing they are fully present in a simulated world.”
Related Article: Record Number of Americans Think Porn is ‘Morally Acceptable’
See No Evil

"Anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart" - Jesus
The President of one VR porn company has said in an interview with Japan Times,
“If people harbor a desire for abnormal or illicit sex, fulfilling that desire may be difficult or risky in real life, to say the least. But VR can make it all possible.”
The problem for consumers is that they are handing over uncontrolled access to their brains to pornographers.
Related Article: What The Porn Industry Doesn’t Want You To Find Out
When Jesus said, “…anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart,” He said that as our Creator who knows how we were made, and how our brains work.
We have mirror neurons in our brain that help us to learn – when we learn to tie our shoe laces by watching someone else, that is those mirror neurons at work.
Neuroscientist, Dr William Struthers, who wrote Wired For Intimacy; How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain, says,
“These mirror neurons are involved when someone views pornography because what they view, they vicariously experience and learn from.”
How Can Men (And Churches) Prepare For the Battle Against Sexual Addiction?
The Conquer Series was specifically designed to prepare you to win the battle for sexual purity.
This powerful, cinematic series includes biblical principles and daily practices to help men pursue purity and overcome the temptation to consume porn. You can join the millions of men in over 100+ countries who have learned to move beyond “not watching porn” to living a transformed life.
Related Article: This Is How To Deal With Porn In Your Church (VIDEO)
During the Conquer Series, Dr. Ted Roberts presents two areas that help men defend and recover against sexual temptation.
The Healing Process The healing process includes three parts:
- The first step is to recognize God’s unconditional love for you.
- Next, identify the wounds and ask God for healing.
- Finally, learn to be honest in your men’s group because secrets are what make you sick. You were wounded in community, you need to be healed in community.
If you’ve tried to stop viewing pornography on your own and continue to struggle, get help. You don’t have to fight this battle alone.
“God’s not a magician. He’s not waving some magical wand. God is saying: ‘Here’s the process of renewing your mind.’ Becoming a part of the family of God, being a believer in Christ, there is something that happens instantaneously. But then the Bible says our mind has to be renewed.” –Paul Cole
Gripped by Grace
For a man to find freedom and stand in the face of sexual temptation, he has to be gripped by God’s grace. God is outrageously gracious. He wants to heal you. When you understand how deep God’s love is for you, how powerful it is, you will be able to walk with purity the rest of your life.
Grace is not a point of doctrine, not a point of theology, it’s a Person—Jesus Christ. It’s only the Cross of Jesus Christ—His shed blood—that gives us any hope.
Related Article: Who Am I? Knowing Your Identity Brings Freedom From Porn
God wants you to have sweet revenge against the enemy, so He gifts you with His grace through His Son Jesus Christ. The very thing that kept you in bondage God now takes and forms it into a weapon in your hands against the enemy.
Bible Verses of God’s Grace

Soul Refiner recommends arming yourself with God's Word to conquer temptation
Take the following bible passages, meditate on them and let God reveal His relentless grace to you through His Word.
Out of the fullness of his grace he has blessed us all, giving us one blessing after another – John 1:16.
For God has revealed his grace for the salvation of all people – Titus 2:11.
Let us praise God for his glorious grace, for the free gift he gave us in his dear Son – Ephesians 1:6.
By the free gift of God’s grace all are put right with him through Christ Jesus, who sets them free – Romans 3:24.
For it is by God’s grace that you have been saved through faith. It is not the result of your own efforts, but God’s gift, so that no one can boast about it – Ephesians 2:8-9.
Are you ready to begin the healing process?
Start your journey to freedom and get digital access to the Conquer Series today.
You can also take the free online Sexual Addiction Screening Test (SAST) to help determine if sex addiction is a problem.
Finally, consider joining a Conquer Group. You can join a group online or locally, offering the opportunity you need to begin the healing process today.