Our Pornified Culture Is Drifting From God’s Plan For Sex
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Our porn-saturated society continues to redefine what sex and intimacy look like. The traditional, Biblical values of older generations are being thrown aside as culture embraces sexual freedom and an ‘anything goes’ attitude. Today, as long as adults consent, it seems nothing is taboo.
For example, Utah Governor, Gary Herbert, signed a bill that decriminalizes sodomy and adultery among consenting adults. A few days later Governor Herbert also legalized fornication (sex outside of marriage), by signing into law a bill that repealed a 1973 Utah state law that classified fornication as a class B misdemeanor.
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Pastor and author, Paul David Tripp, said,
“Few areas of the human struggle reveal more powerfully the sad sinfulness of sin than the sex evils that are done to people and through people hundreds of thousands of times a day.”
But God has a different plan for His people – a plan based on mutual satisfaction, both physical and emotional connections, and respect and commitment to each other. And since He created sex and instituted marriage, maybe we should listen to what He says about them.
Is Marriage a Covenant

God’s plan is for one woman and one man to be sexually active only within the bounds of marriage. Today’s culture keeps drifting farther from that view. But godly men stand firm to their marriage covenant.
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In the Bible, Hosea demonstrated his commitment to his wife, Gomer, who was a prostitute before they married. They had a son, but soon after, Gomer returned to her old ways. They had two more children, but Hosea was uncertain if he was the father.
Eventually, Gomer’s lovers decided to sell her as a slave. Despite all the heartache she had caused him, Hosea paid the redemption price to reclaim his wife. That’s the type of personal sacrifice and total love that God has for us! He also calls us as men to live out that love in our marriage.
As Jesus said, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” (Ephesians 5:22).
Lust Only Destroys
Jesus was very specific about lust.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:27-28).
Your sexual thoughts and desires should focus on one woman – your wife. God gave her to you to love and cherish forever. She is His gift to you. Don’t let lust for other women on a computer screen enter and destroy your marriage.
Related Article: Husbands, Here’s How To Love Your Wife Well
Consider Jacob and Rachel in Genesis. Jacob loved Rachel so much that he was willing to work seven years as her father’s servant to be able to marry her. He put aside his own desires and dreams and focused solely on Rachel. Their marriage had its difficult times, but he stayed devoted to her. To endure that amount of hard work truly shows he was motivated by love, not merely lust.
Society will tell you that a woman is only for your pleasure and sexual needs. Recently a Mississippi lawmaker was arrested for punching his wife in the face because she didn’t undress quickly enough when he wanted to have sex.
God’s plan for intimacy is based on love and respect, not pursuing your own selfish needs or desires.
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Reality vs Fantasy
Pornography is based on fantasy. Real women cannot compete with your idealized mental images of the air-brushed porn women who are always available and willing.
Ordained pastor Carl Thomas said, “Fantasy can only deliver so much. Porn can’t give you intimacy; it can’t offer long-term satisfaction, and it certainly can’t deliver the fantasy it sells. When it comes to some things fantasy is fine; however, when it comes to sex best stick to reality.”
Virtual Reality makes porn even more devastating to a marriage. Steven Clark of Above the Fray said,
“Delivering porn by way of virtual reality will enable people to have entirely new experiences all within the confines of their mind.”
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He added, “Human contact will no longer be needed. The virtual porn experience will be able to meet all of an individual’s sexual expectations…With the proliferation of virtual reality porn, whatever remnant of the nuclear family remains will be finally destroyed.”
Married men, build your marriage on the truth of God’s Word and your relationship with the real, beautiful and amazing woman He has blessed you with. If you’re single, spend time seeking God and his will for you when it comes to a relationship.
Family and Community vs. Loneliness
Genesis 2:18 says,
“The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”
A recent study revealed that three in four Americans struggle with loneliness. Loneliness is not only a trigger that drives people to pornography, it is also a result of being consumed by it. People who struggle with pornography feel a deep sense of shame and will tend to isolate.

God intends for you be a part of a family and community, not the Lone Ranger. Your wife and children need you to be present and engaged, not hiding off in a corner looking at porn. They need your love, leadership, and attention, and you need theirs.
Related Article: How Viewing Porn Is Wounding Your Wife & Hurting Your Family
Paul David Tripp noted, “We weren’t created to be independent, autonomous, or self-sufficient. We were made to live in a humble, worshipful, and loving dependency upon God and in a loving and humble interdependency with others. Our lives were designed to be community projects.”
Intimacy can only be achieved by complete devotion and deep interaction with someone else. God intends for you to defeat your desire for isolation with porn and develop the strong bonds of intimacy with your wife.
Turning To The Truth
Although society has greatly perverted sex and intimacy as God intended it, there is hope! You can break free from society’s lies, distortions, and the fantasy world of pornography. For men trapped in a pornography cycle, they need a biblical process that helps them find lasting freedom.
God wants you to know His truth and the freedom it can give you. The Conquer Series, a 10-week small-group study, provides amazing insights into your battle with pornography. It teaches men a Bible-based process for renewing their minds and claiming victory.
Millions of men have started their journey to freedom through the Conquer Series. The videos are full of action scenes, powerful testimonies, scientific information, and solid Biblical teaching.

Nate in Iowa wrote,
“I have been so encouraged, motivated, challenged, and otherwise uplifted by the Conquer Series.”
Today is the day that you can choose to take a step towards God and away from the agenda of the world. Sign up at SoulRefiner.com, and begin your journey immediately.