What The Porn Industry Doesn’t Want You To Find Out
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With the proliferation of smartphones and tablets, the average adult spends over 20 HOURS PER WEEK with digital media. With this much time online, the likelihood of coming across pornographic content increases greatly.
In fact, in 2021, Similarweb reported that the top 3 porn sites alone, outranked Amazon, Twitch, Zoom and Netflix COMBINED, in monthly visitors.
And in 2013, the Huffington Post cited that porn sites were receiving more traffic than Amazon, Netflix and Twitter COMBINED. This research suggests that porn sites have consistently outranked some of the TOP ecommerce, streaming and social media giants for almost a DECADE!
Unfortunately, porn’s tentacles are everywhere, affecting virtually every aspect of user’s lives and there’s no going back…that is, unless we expose what the porn industry doesn’t want you to find out!
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Despite the sites’ vast popularity, there are SEVERAL chinks in its chainmail, and Soul Refiner is here to air it all out.
Porn Can Impair Your Ability To Connect With A Real Partner
The way that porn disconnects you from bonafide humans is one of the most little-known effects of frequent porn viewing; and arguably, the most damaging.
According to a study linking Compulsive Porn Abuse and Sexual Dysfunction, 58% of subjects with compulsive sexual behavior had a problem achieving erections with a real partner. Those same subjects had no problem achieving erections with porn.
Porn Is Addictive
Porn has the same effect on your brain that drugs do. In brain scans, the changes to a porn addict’s brain look much like a heroin addict’s.
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As neuropsychologist Dr. Tim Jennings explains in the Conquer Series, a cinematic series that helps men break free from porn addiction, “Any type of repetitive behavior will create trails in our brain that are going to fire on an automatic sequence.” By repeatedly watching porn – or repeating any activity, really – you are programming your thought life and actions so that they become second nature.
Not only that, when you have a sexual release, your brain gets flooded with the same neurochemicals drugs release in the brain. Whatever you’re viewing at the time this happens, you become “bonded” to.
In this way, porn can restructure your brain – and not in a good way. This sets you up for years, possibly a lifetime, of sexual bondage.
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Porn Will Kill Your Marriage
As if difficulty achieving an erection in a real-life scenario isn’t bad enough, let’s consider for a moment the devastation it wreaks on a spouse.
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For many women, discovering their husband’s porn addiction is equivalent to discovering an extramarital affair. They are hurt, angry, and feel betrayed. They wonder why they aren’t “enough” – why does their husband have to seek out something or someone else beyond them?
In fact, according to a non formal study done on the impact pornography has on marriage and family, which was presented before the United States Senate, 56% of divorces cite porn use as a contributing factor.
Porn Makes You More likely To Cheat On Your Spouse
Studies published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships suggest that porn use provokes extramarital affairs.
How does it do this? By skewing your perception of reality: Those who viewed porn were more likely to report that they had “higher quality romantic alternatives” to their spouse.
Key findings published by the Marriage & Religion Research Institute also indicate that pornography can make you less satisfied and less attached to your spouse, and less interested in your family in general; your wife will notice this, and it will devastate her.
Related Article: 5 Ways Porn Ruins Relationships
Porn Leads To Feelings Of Shame And Isolation
Just like all temptations, “It promises you everything and gives you absolutely nothing,” says Dr. Ted Roberts, host of the Conquer Series.
Although you may feel a high of euphoria when viewing porn, it is quickly followed by feelings of shame. These shameful feelings cause isolation in your life.
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This is why porn addiction is a hidden problem, making it even tougher to tackle.
There Is A Way Out
The only way to lasting freedom is a total renewal of your mind; and the Conquer Series was created to help you do just that.
The Conquer Series has been used by millions of men in over 100+ different countries all over the world to overcome porn addiction.
It’s hard to fight a multi-billion-dollar industry of this size and scope, alone. The Conquer Series can equip you to win the battle, once and for all.