Debunking Dennis Prager's View on Pornography and Sin (VIDEO)
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Dennis Prager, a popular conservative speaker and leader of PragerU, has sparked controversy for his view on pornography. He argues that if pornography is a substitute for adultery, it is not sinful. However, if it is a substitute for a wife, it is sinful. This argument has been criticized for promoting sin as a solution to sin, as well as for ignoring the biblical teaching that God judges the heart, not just behavior.
The Importance of the Heart in Biblical Teaching
Prager, who is Jewish, follows the traditional Jewish law, which emphasizes behavior over the inner man. However, the Old Testament is clear that God judges the heart, as evidenced by the story of the flood and numerous Old Testament scriptures.
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The Jewish view is that the 613 discrete laws are not just a measuring stick for how well one is doing, but also a mirror to understand how depraved one is. While behavior matters, the intention of one's heart is what matters most. The heart is where sin begins, and it is from the heart that behavior flows.
"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" - Jeremiah 17:9
Ultimately, Prager's argument is flawed and dangerous because it promotes sin as a solution to sin and ignores the biblical teaching on the importance of the heart.
SoulRefiner founder Jeremy Wiles spoke with Lamar Douberly about the dangers of Prager's viewpoint in this podcast:
The Nature of Sin and Surrendering to God
One of the most important aspects of our faith is the concept of surrendering our lives to God. It is only through this surrender that we are able to allow God to change us from the inside out. The truth is that we are all serial sinners, and without God's grace, we are bound to fail time and time again.
To understand the importance of surrendering our lives to God, we must first understand the nature of sin. Sin is a transgression of God's law, and as a just God, He judges us based on His law. The penalty for sin is hell, and there is no less severe punishment. Therefore, we must recognize that we are all sinners, and we are all deserving of God's judgment.
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The problem with sin is that it is behavior-based, but it is also a heart issue. The Torah has 613 laws, but none of them explicitly say, "Do not lust." This is because coveting is a heart issue. When we surrender our lives to God, we allow Him to transform our hearts, and we no longer desire to sin.
"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." - Psalm 51:10
Many Christians fail to recognize the importance of surrendering their lives to God because they do not fully understand the nature of sin. They view sin as behavior-based and fail to recognize the heart issue behind it. This is where we must turn to God's mercy and grace.
God's Mercy and the Harm of Sinful Behavior
God is rich in mercy, and He gave us His Son so that we may have eternal life. It is only through Christ that we can be saved from our sins. When we focus on God's glory and our good, we can see that even when bad things happen in our lives, it is for our ultimate benefit.
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Unfortunately, society has become increasingly accepting of sinful behaviors. For example, some people view pornography as harmless, but the truth is that it inflames lust and can lead to sinful actions. Additionally, the creation of pornography involves the exploitation of individuals, and it is not a victimless crime. As Christians, we must recognize the harm caused by sin and work to combat it. We cannot turn a blind eye to sinful behavior.
Addressing the Root Cause of Sin
It is crucial to address the root cause of sin to combat the harmful effects of pornography and other forms of sexual immorality. While it is important to avoid sinful behavior, it is equally important to address the heart issue behind it.
One of the root causes of sin is the breakdown of healthy relationships. When relationships are broken, people often turn to pornography and other forms of sexual immorality to satisfy their emotional and physical needs. To combat this, we must work to promote healthy relationships and restore broken ones.
Related Article: Our Pornified Culture Is Drifting From God’s Plan For Sex
Moreover, we must address the cultural messages that promote objectification and sexual immorality. In many ways, our culture encourages these behaviors through the media, advertising, and other forms of communication. By promoting healthy attitudes towards sex and relationships, we can combat these harmful messages and create a culture that values individuals for who they are, rather than what they can provide.
Combatting Porn and Sexual Immorality
As Christians, we must take action to combat pornography and other forms of sexual immorality. This can be done in many ways, including:
- Educating ourselves and others about the harmful effects of pornography and objectification.
- Supporting organizations that work to combat the pornography industry and provide help for those struggling with addiction.
- Promoting healthy attitudes towards sex and relationships in our own lives and in our communities.
- Supporting legislation that addresses the harmful effects of pornography and sexual immorality.
Hope for the Struggling
If you are struggling with pornography addiction or sexual addiction, the Conquer Series is an excellent resource to help you overcome these issues. Pornography and sexual immorality are harmful to individuals, relationships, and society as a whole. As Christians, we must take action to combat these issues and promote healthy attitudes toward sex and relationships.
Related Article: Restoring Intimacy To Your Relationship
By surrendering our lives to God and allowing Him to transform our hearts, we can address the root causes of sin and create a culture that values individuals for who they are, rather than what they can provide. The Conquer Series is a powerful tool to help you on your journey to freedom and healing.
If you're ready to break free and live a life that is free from addiction, I encourage you to take the first step and check out the Conquer Series today. Your life is worth fighting for, and you don't have to do it alone.