Warning To Parents: Children Become What They Behold
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As a parent, I was recently horrified while posting an article on Twitter. On the right side of the screen is always a list of what is trending now. One hashtag in particular regarding sexual education caught my eye, as it had more than 45,000 Tweets. Always trying to stay up to date with what is happening in our public schools, I decided to do some research.
It turns out, these Tweets had nothing to do with the public education system. Instead, they had everything to do with a Netflix show.
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Sex Education
This show, as reported by Common Sense Media, exposes viewers to homosexuality, nudity, masturbation, strong language, drug and alcohol use, abortion, and more.
Many teens who have watched the show are quite accepting, though some realize that parents may not offer their approval.
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A 12-year-old shared, “…WARNING: probably not the best tv show to watch with your parents unless they are chill because it might be a bit awkward.”
“There may be some sexual scenes in the series but come on guys like it doesn’t matter,” shared one 13-year-old. The viewer continued, “All in all, I think this series is a very enjoyable thing to watch, but not with your parents…”
Netflix rates the show as being suitable for a mature audience. However, some parents don’t concur and are actually trying to persuade other parents that it’s okay to watch it.
How Parents Are Reacting
One parent clearly states that there was a near-porn scene, but felt that it could be viewed by teens as young as fifteen. And yet another mom reported that she let her 11 year-old watch it.
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Another parent shared, “If kids are interested in this kind of show, they should probably be allowed to see it. I can honestly not see any reason why they shouldn’t….If there was anything I was hesitant about before letting my kid watch the show, it was the few very drug-liberal scenes.”
Let that sink in. Some parents are more concerned with their child being exposed to drugs than they are about their child being subjected to pornography.
This doesn’t mean, however, that parents aren’t speaking out.
One outraged parent stated, “My 16 year-old asked if she could watch it. I told her I would watch it and let her know. Less than 30 seconds in and it was a hard NO! If you allow your child to watch porn then I guess this show is for you. This show is rated TV-MA and definitely not for teens.”
Communication Is Key
In today’s society, parents have to remain proactive in their child’s lives. Our kids are being led to believe all sorts of crazy things. According to The Porn Phenomenon, a study conducted by the Barna Group, teens and young adults view recycling, lying, consuming too much electricity and water, or overeating as being more immoral than viewing porn.
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Parents, we must be willing to have conversations about healthy, God-honoring sexuality. If we neglect our vital role, we are handing our kids over to the enemy and allowing him to rule and dominate their thought process.
Our kids are looking to us to be the example. If we are viewing television shows such as this one offered by Netflix, or worse yet, viewing porn, we are sending the message that it’s okay.
As a parent, I don’t want my kids to face the same struggles I did in life. It is my goal to keep the line of communication open with my children. I want them to come to me with anything that they are uncertain of, instead of running to Google. Some may argue that there is no harm in kids seeing sexual content here or there. But I can tell you that it opened the door to a plethora of content that I wish I never would have been exposed to as a young adult.
Maybe you recognize that your life is not setting a good example for your kids. There is hope for you to change the tide right now!
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Healing And Awareness
For millions of individuals, they have started their journey to a porn-free life through the use of the Conquer Series. The Conquer Series is a Biblically-based small group study intended to help those who are struggling with pornography, masturbation, or sexual addiction of any kind.
This series will help you understand why trying harder does not work, how the brain has been changed through the viewing of porn, and the importance of finding your identity in Christ.
Through this powerful study, you’ll hear testimonies from countless individuals, some who carried the struggle into their ministry career. Others share about their struggle as a result of abuse endured. And one man talks about being introduced to pornography while in elementary school at a Christian school.
Though created for use in a Conquer Group, individuals can also benefit from the Conquer Series. Many parents have used this series to raise awareness with their teens or to help those who are already struggling with pornography.
Fighting Back
Jeff Bush, a father in Alabama, shared, “I was convinced that every young man growing up today will battle with pornography except for two, my two. I was wrong. Eventually, my oldest son confided in me about his battle with pornography. Later, I learned that both my boys dealt with it…”
Related Article: How This Dad Is Preparing His Kids For A Pornified World (VIDEO)
He continued, “Around this time, I kept seeing advertisements for the Conquer Series in Charisma Magazine and elsewhere. I eventually looked into them, but was hesitant to buy them at first. Feeling at a loss for how to help my boys, I did finally purchase the series.”
“My only regret was not purchasing the Conquer Series sooner,” Jeff said.
“Once a week I would sit with my boys and watch a video. I could tell my boys were both impacted by them. They both expressed gratefulness that I not only purchased the series, but took the time to watch the videos with them too. That’s significant, coming from teenage boys!”
It’s Time
It’s never too late to start advocating for our children. But we must understand that victory cannot come if we don’t understand the battle.
Whether you want to be educated on the schemes of the enemy, you need to find freedom for yourself, or you’re ready to fight on the front lines for your kids, the Conquer Series is for you.
Your greatest contribution may not be something you do, but someone you raise.
The longer you wait, the more time you’re surrendering your child into Satan’s hands. Choose to fight for yourself, your family, your church, and your community.