Forbidden Discussions: What Children Want To Know
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It’s often said that children, especially young children, have no filter. They will quickly open up and talk about things without hesitating about whether it’s appropriate or not. Such was the situation that two Sunday School teachers recently found themselves in. Both instruct children, some as young as pre-kindergarten. And both found themselves surprisingly being questioned about sexual terminology – such as porn.
They tried to avoid the question in an attempt to get the group back on track. They felt that it was the parents’ job to have these discussions. But then a realization crept into their minds – parents are having the conversations, just not with their children.
Related Article: 4 Ways Porn Is Hurting Our Children
The kids, who were persistent, not giving up until they received an answer, had heard such terms within their home. And for whatever reason, the questions manifested that morning. Thankfully, being led by the Holy Spirit, a Biblical answer was able to be provided in terms that satisfied the children. All that was left to do now was pray that the children would take the Godly perspective with them as they grow and mature.

Have you ever heard the term, “Curiosity killed the cat”? Simply put, it’s a phrase used to remind people that their curiosity could lead them to places that they probably shouldn’t go. It’s a warning that danger could loom ahead and that consequences may be imminent as a result of pursuing information. Sadly, this is becoming true in the lives of children – especially in regard to sexuality.
Curiosity is one of the driving forces in teens seeking out porn. They may have heard their friends talking about it, and they worry that their social status will suffer if they cannot contribute to future conversations. Others believe that it will help them be better prepared for future intimate relationships. What they don’t realize is that it doesn’t prepare them for anything more than disappointment and dissatisfaction. Focus on the Family reports,
Related Article: 5 Things They Don't Tell You Before You Start Watching Porn
“Oxytocin, the bonding hormone, is released in response to relationship and when a person is having a sexual experience. When teens view pornography they bond with an illusion, not a person.”
Related Article: This Is Your Brain On Porn
The Danger Of Illusion
In the world of porn, everything is fantasy, creating a distorted view of reality. Countless stories have emerged of individuals being alerted to videos being posted of them, some of which were made while they were in captivity to a human trafficker. These videos are not consensual. They are sickening and abusive in nature.
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God made us to be curious and we need to be ready to answer questions produced by these inquisitive minds. Teens gravitating towards porn are not learning what true, unadulterated love between a husband and wife should look like.

They are instead learning that people, both male and female, are merely objects intended for selfish gain. Furthermore, teenage consumers of pornography are receiving the message that it’s okay to have multiple partners. As they pursue these passions in the flesh, they are opening themselves up to increased risks of sexually-transmitted diseases and a host of other long-term issues.
A pastor who oversees premarital counseling in Pennsylvania once said, “Do you know how to spell marriage? It’s spelled W-O-R-K.” We cannot expect teens to get the message that you can toss something aside when it fails to please you, and then hope that they will have happy, healthy, lifelong marriages in the future.
Related Article: Contrary to Popular Belief, Marriage Will Not Cure Porn Addiction
Seeking To Destroy
The world wants nothing more than to educate our children about sex, and we know that the world is under the control of Satan (1 John 5:19).
Satan’s master plan is to destroy the biblical views of healthy sexuality. If he can succeed, he will pollute the lens through which we view Christ. After all, marriage is to mirror the relationship between Christ and the Church.
Related Article: How Viewing Porn Is Wounding Your Wife & Hurting Your Family
However, we as Christian parents need to know that we are not slaves to sin, but instead children of the Lord. We must activate and exercise our authority in Jesus and must submit to the calling to
“train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6).
Now is the time to guard our children like never before. Talk to them about the dangers lurking on the internet. Be proactive in ensuring that they are not falling prey to the schemes of this world. Help them to understand that the choices they make now can and most likely will impact their futures.
Related Article: How To Safeguard Your Family Online
The Conquer Series, a cinematic teaching study on the battle for sexual purity, is a great resource for parents. It brings understanding to how the brain works in relation to sexual addiction, and how past trauma could also play a significant role in a present-day struggle with sexual sin. Used not only as an educational tool, the Conquer Series has helped millions of men around the world begin a journey to a life free from porn.
Judy shared, “I bought the Conquer Series for my son, and it really works. Porn addiction causes kids to hate themselves and feel unworthy…Once the secret is in the open, then they can heal.”
Related Article: How This Dad Is Preparing His Kids For A Pornified World (VIDEO)
She continued,
“We must remember it is a battle for your thoughts, and your ears and eyes are a doorway to your soul, and whoever is in control of your thought process is in control of you.”
Studies have shown that most children are first introduced to pornography within the home. While some exposure is the result of mistyping a search word on the internet, some can be a result of a family member’s secret struggle. Beyond educating our children, we must lead by example.
Championing the fight today will help secure a happy, healthy, foundation for your family to grow upon in the future. We are the gatekeepers to our families, and while we cannot control everything that our child is exposed to, we can guard what they see and hear while in our homes. Choose to stand up for yourself and your family.