Major Porn Site Fails To Protect Known Victims
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Hushed whispers. Quick glances. Laughter. Shock. Disbelief.
At first, it sounds like a typical day at a public high school. Or, maybe it’s the starting point for a bullying seminar. Unfortunately, these words described the life of one young woman.
Porn Site Ignores Request for Removal
Rose was only 14 years old when her life quickly unraveled. She was abducted from her own neighborhood and brutally raped for hours. Though stabbed several times, she still managed to convince her kidnappers to let her go.

Months later, the stares, laughter, and hushed whispers began. Her peers had found videos of her brutal attack on a major pornography website. As if that wasn’t bad enough, her classmates were sharing it. She endured intense bullying from guys and girls alike, and was often subjected to inappropriate gestures, groping, and more.
Courageously reaching out to the porn website seeking the removal of her abuse got her nowhere. Despite the fact that she was underage and the videos showcased the brutal attack, no action was taken until Rose posed as an attorney who threatened a lawsuit.
Sadly, this was not an isolated innocent. In fact, one of the largest pornography websites has been called out numerous times for posting videos featuring underage individuals, abuse, and human trafficking.
More Cases Emerge

Last year, after enduring a year of sleepless nights, a mother was reunited with her missing 15-year-old daughter.
After discovering sexually explicit photos of her daughter online, the girl’s mother contacted the police. An investigation unearthed nearly sixty videos uploaded across a number of pornography websites.
Police recognized the man in some of the videos, which ultimately led to his arrest and the discovery of the teen.
Related Article: Major Porn Site Suffers Tremendous Blow
As the details of the case emerged, the girl endured more than the sexual abuse that was posted online. During her time with this man, she became pregnant and was taken to a clinic where she underwent an abortion.
More recently, news broke of a 27-year-old man accused of uploading pornographic videos featuring a 16-year-old. Reportedly, the video was verified and uploaded in such a way that the porn site hosting it earned 35% of the sale of the content. Before it was removed, the video had been viewed more than 2,700 times.
The Truth About Porn Sites

Related Article: What The Porn Industry Doesn’t Want You To Find Out
Whether it’s hosted child pornography, videos of rape, or content featuring sex-trafficked individuals, the blatant truth is that porn is vile. Some of the victims feel as if they have been handed a life sentence because anyone they encounter may have viewed them being violated and abused. They report feeling anxious in public, always fearful of being recognized.
Related Article: This Is How Porn And Sex Trafficking Are Linked
Some who are reading this are going to be quick to brush it off. They’ll argue that these are isolated incidents and the vast majority of porn performers are there because they choose to be. But in reviewing stories of those who have left the porn industry, you’ll quickly realize that a painful past often contributed to their decision.
Related Article: 5 Things They Don't Tell You Before You Start Watching Porn
Running Away
Though an honor-roll student, Crystal got pregnant at the age of 16. Vowing to give her child the life that she never had, she moved to California. An agent discovered her and convinced her to try pornography. She shared, “And after the shoot, I sat in a shower, and I was bawling my eyes out crying for, like, two hours. I just felt so gross and just dirty. [But] I went back for money.”
Eventually, she realized that though she had everything money could buy, she was not happy. She confessed to taking pain killers and drinking just to make it through scenes. Recalling her attempts to numb the pain, she shared:
“I had a bad abusive childhood. I was sexually abused by two different people as a child. That, I think, is a huge impact on why I got into the adult industry. I was constantly seeking for male attention I didn’t get when I was a kid.”
Following a car crash in 2014, she had a wake-up call. She started attending church, quit the porn industry, and has since become a pastor.
Crystal is not alone.
Related Article: From Porn Star to Pastor: How God Rewrote Joshua Broome’s Story
Medicating the Pain

Story after story emerges of individuals who were running from a horrible home life, single parents who were barely making ends meet, or who were themselves victims of childhood sexual trauma and abuse.
For those so-called consenting adults, they’re merely trying to medicate the pain they feel in their lives. Or, as Crystal’s story highlighted, they are trying to find the love that their souls long for each day.
The same holds true if you view pornography. If you clear away the excuses and quit trying to justify the choice you are making, you’ll likely realize that you’re rushing back to porn so that you can momentarily escape life.
Related Article: 6 Lies Men Believe When They Struggle With Porn
As you surrender and make yourself vulnerable, not only to God but to others, you will quickly realize that any number of root causes are contributing to the pull you feel towards porn. For most people, these roots are the result of abandonment, rejection, trauma, abuse, neglect, or being raised in a rigid and disengaged home where love and affection was not frequently modeled.
So Where Do You Begin?
The Conquer Series is a powerful 10-week introductory course that can help you navigate the journey that lies ahead. Not only will you be guided through discerning the root causes of your struggle, but you’ll also focus on the importance of knowing your identity in Christ. Combining science and Scripture, you will be educated on the brain’s response to pornography and why trying harder to quit does not work.
Join the Conquer Series today!
Choosing to do nothing continues to give these porn giants the upper hand. They will continue to push their agenda, advocate for perversion, and diligently work to destroy the lives of many. Personally, I am convinced that we must become the change that we want to see in this world. Sometimes, this process can seem painful. But it can produce righteousness and healing that lets others know that freedom is possible.
Now is the time for you to reclaim your authority and walk in your God-given identity. Quit being a victim to your past, and instead choose to become a survivor. As you rise up and fight, others will join you. One by one, we can make a difference.