
How To Lead An Effective Conquer Series Group

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There is no doubt that our nation is currently faced with many challenging issues. However, we cannot overlook one that continues to have the most dangerous impact, sexual sin.

This danger is not hidden any longer but paraded daily through the internet, TV, and virtually every area of society. Sadly, many fall into this temptation which not only damages an individual but their marriage and their families. As a result, the time to do something is now.

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The Conquer Series

Studies have found that most churches often feel ill-equipped to deal with the challenges that are arising as a result of our highly sexualized culture. In fact, only about 7% of churches offer a ministry program to help individuals struggling with pornography or sexual sin find freedom.

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But thanks to a powerful cinematic study, churches no longer have to wonder where to begin.

Used by over 50,000 churches around the world, the Conquer Series has helped millions of men begin the healing process.
Used by over 50,000 churches around the world, the Conquer Series has helped millions of men begin the healing process.

Through the use of the Conquer Series, individuals learn why trying harder does not work. They gain knowledge of how the brain operates and the importance of renewing the mind. Activities throughout the Conquer Series will help them identify areas of pain that the enemy may have used to embed a lie in their belief system, and they will uncover the truths that will set them free.

For churches who choose to offer this life-changing program, it’s important that they understand that it’s more than merely offering a once-per-week video session. To be successful, leaders will have to encourage the men in the groups to be actively engaged in their fight to break free from this. And now Soul Refiner, a digital streaming platform, makes leading a Conquer Group easier, streamlined, and more effective.

Starting A Conquer Group

Below are a few suggestions that we hope will help you get your Conquer Group off the ground.

1. Take Advantage Of The Products And New Technology Available

Once you obtain your Premium Account on Soul Refiner, you will have access to all of the new, easy-to-use small group management tools.

The first step is to log in to your Soul Refiner account and head over to the Leader’s Zone. There, you’ll find valuable resources, including the “How to Lead a Group” video specifically designed for the Conquer Series curriculum. In this short video, Dr. Ted Roberts, founder of Pure Desire Ministries and host of the Conquer Series, will provide you with tips and strategies that will make your small group even more effective.

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2. Formulate A Plan

Put a plan of execution in place for your church. How do you want to promote the Conquer Series at your church? What day and time will you meet? Will it be an online group that watches the videos individually and then meets through video conferencing (I.E. Zoom) or will this be a local group that meets at your church or home?

Used by over 50,000 churches around the world, the Conquer Series has helped millions of men begin the healing process.

Once you have created your group listing in Soul Refiner we can provide you with a customized RSVP Group Link. This link can be added to any website, social media pages, texts, emails, or church bulletins so that potential members can easily sign up. New members will automatically show as part of the group when they use this link without you having to add them. This is a great marketing tool!

Some churches have had the pastor announce it from the pulpit on a Sunday morning. Others chose to introduce the Conquer Series to the men of the church through a men’s breakfast or conference. Consider reaching out to other local Conquer Leaders to strategize with them. Ask them what has worked for them in the past. Talk to them about the challenges they’ve faced and how they overcame them.

Related Article: 4 Awesome Ideas To Promote Your Conquer Group

Get creative on how you will run a Conquer Group. Yes, most are offered within a church or an individual’s home. But, we’ve heard stories of other groups taking place on a boat or around a campfire in the woods. Give thoughtful prayer and consideration about who you will ask to co-lead the group. A co-leader is vital, as it ensures that the group can continue foraging forward – even in your absence.

3. Execute The Plan

Once you have a plan in place, the only thing left to do is to execute that plan.

Each group member should have their own Digital Pass which gives them access to the Interactive Study Guide and Journal. These are necessary tools that not only gives group members access to the videos but takes them step by step through each episode.

Ideally, groups of 4-6 men work best for discussion purposes. Larger groups can view the series together but should be broken down into smaller discussion groups. Encourage these men to reach out to one another periodically throughout the week for ongoing prayer, support, and accountability.

Related Article: How Do I Defeat Porn In My Church?

Helpful Tools

Once your group has launched, we have several new tools to help you lead a successful Conquer Series group. Below are a couple of these tools.

The Group Health Dashboard allows you to instantly evaluate the overall health of your group. Call, text, or email members right from your dashboard. There is nothing else like it!

The Group Member Overview automatically tracks the progress of each group member making accountability easy to track. This is a huge time saver so you can invest your time into being a more effective leader.

And finally, as a leader, have someone in your circle who will continue to uplift and encourage you on this journey.

To date, millions of men have started their journey to freedom through the use of the Conquer Series in over 100 countries. Are you ready to lead the men of your church and surrounding community like a champion coach?

Get access to the Conquer Series today!


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