
4 Awesome Ideas To Promote Your Conquer Group

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The Conquer Series is a cinematic series like no other, helping men find freedom from pornography. When men are starting out in leading their Conquer Group, they will often ask, “How do I introduce this topic to my church?”

We recommend against saying, “Men, we are having a group for guys who struggle with porn and sex addiction.” That is a sure way to clear the room!

Instead, we encourage you to say:

“This is a series for every man. Pornography is a massive issue today, with 68% of men in the church viewing it on a regular basis. We want every man in our church to go through this course so he is equipped with all the tools he needs to be able to help other men.”

Related Article: Why 68% of Christian Men Watch Porn

To promote the series successfully, it isn’t just what you say, but how you say it. You want to use every channel you have available to get the message out there. This means for the month leading up to the start of your group you want to be:

  • Putting Conquer Series posters on the male bathroom door or above the urinals at your church.
  • Creating an information page about your Conquer Group on your church website
  • Emailing every guy in your church, or getting the Church office to include information about the course in the weekly newsletter.
  • Including a bulletin insert about the Conquer Series with your church bulletin
  • Personal invitations are the main reason people turn out to church activities, so get together a core group of men and encourage them each to invite 10 men.

Related Article: Church Enlists 10% of Town to Battle Against Porn

How To Promote

Perhaps the most daunting part of promoting the Conquer Series is how to promote it during your Sunday morning church service, but it doesn’t have to be! Remember, this is about helping men to be stronger, honorable husbands, better fathers and courageous brothers in Christ. Let’s take a look at some great examples:

1. Ask Your Pastor To Announce It

Pastor Randy Burt from New Life Church in Venice, Florida first ran the Conquer Series earlier this year and had 50 men show up on the first night. We asked if he would mind recording his announcement for their next group to share with you.

Here’s what Pastor Randy said that really worked:

  • The problem with pornography and its effect on society.
  • How the Conquer Series will strengthen and equip men, help them defeat shame, and give them tools to Conquer.
  • Gave the date and time as well as how to sign up.
  • Presented a vision of the Conquer Series to grow throughout their church as an ongoing ministry.
  • Then he directly speaks to the ladies in the congregation, asking them to give the men freedom to attend.

We think that is great formula to follow when speaking about the series at your church. Be creative. If you have a team in your church who are gifted in making videos, you might want to create your own promotional video like the following examples.

Related Article: How Porn Is Poisoning Society

2. Get Men From Your Church Involved

If you have some strong men in your congregation who love building stuff, chopping wood or rolling around in the mud, then you might want to make something like this video from HillCity Church in Canada;

What works here, is that these are men from the congregation, so other men will relate to them being real and sharing how they are finding freedom. They present a powerful invitation, “Join us and become a Conqueror, you don’t have to fight this alone.”

3. The Light-Hearted Approach

The Vine Church in Hong Kong has created something more satirical, but it effectively gets the point across. Just make sure you watch out for those nut allergies when buying snacks for your Conquer Group!

Related Article: How These Men Are Getting Over Porn

4. Use The Conquer Series Trailer

If you don’t have a video team at your disposal, that’s ok! We have created the Conquer Series trailer so that you can show it during your church service as a way to promote your Conquer Group. The trailer can be downloaded on the Conquer Series resources page.

How do you promote the Conquer Series at your church? We are getting together more videos like these to help other churches get their group up and running. If you have any suggestions or video clips, please let us know!


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