4 Ways To Stay Pure And Porn Free
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It’s been said, you can’t have a victory without a battle. Well here is your chance! While we don’t know how long the pain and precautions around the coronavirus will continue or how far the virus’ reach will go, we do know that we are living in a “new normal,” at least for a while. We are, without a doubt, in the midst of something we’ve not encountered before.
Not only is there world-wide concern around the spread of this virus and its opportunistic bent toward infecting so many, but along with that are a host of related issues causing varying degrees of alarm and concern. Some of the problems are related to finances and our current employment. Others may be related to our loved ones who are in harm’s way. Yet, others may be related to how long we can survive while being cooped up and in isolation, or practicing “social distancing”.
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In the face of this sudden and unprecedented change, all of us are living in the midst of some type of pain that may linger for a while. Through the years of battling and beating porn-addiction, we’ve learned that porn always seeks to leverage pain-filled moments, trying to get us to medicate that pain by clicking again.
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But the reality is that when we cave in and view one more image or click one more time, the pain then becomes unbearable.
So, as we enter into this space of a present-moment that may be filled with pain, let me offer you four tried-and-true ways to stay pure and porn-free!
4 Ways To Stay Pure And Porn Free
1. Accept
Accept this new reality, be aware of how it’s impacting you, and find at least one thing you can be thankful for every day!
When we say “accept,” we don’t mean to cower under the current situation. We do, however, mean that you need to see this moment very clearly. We are in a unique and stress-filled time. A time during which you may have more time on your hands than usual. It’s also a time during which you may have more ongoing frustration and fear related to things like income, getting supplies, staying well, etc.
Related Article: Stress Triggers Sexual Addiction: 5 Steps to Fighting Back
During moments like this, porn will try to creep in. It will tempt you to enter into fantasy, offering empty promises to help you escape the world and your present situation. So, every day, get up and take stock of what’s happening, and how it’s impacting you.
Then, take a minute and be grateful for what you do have and for those who are around you. Being aware of what’s going on around you and how that affects the world within you is the place to start for those who want to stay pure and free from porn’s sinister pull.
2. Battle

The last thing we need to be is idle.
Proverbs 16:27 says, “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop”.
During this difficult time we should not let our minds wander and get lazy. Develop a daily routine that includes not only physical exercise but also incorporates spiritual training! Get in the Word.
Meditate on it!
Memorize it!
Share it with your loved ones.
Related Article: How Meditating On God Changes Your Identity
Now is an excellent time for you to unplug from all the gadgets you’ve gotten used to relying on. Pull that Bible off the shelf and start reading it again! Using either a notebook or the online journal available at SoulRefiner.com, start documenting what the Lord is speaking to you.
Charlie in Louisiana writes,
“Thank you for your Journal. It’s a God-send. Applying the Scriptures in the Conquer Series Journal to my struggles is giving me great victory in my thought life after only four weeks. It’s a supernatural visitation of God, moving through His Word to fight my wounds and vain imaginations.”
The enemy cannot stand up against the Word! When Jesus was tempted in the desert, the first place he found refuge was in the Word of God. You may want to start with some well-known passages and commit them to memory. Passages like Psalm 23, Matthew 6:9-13, Romans 12:1-2, etc. are great places to start.
Resolve now that you are going to battle on God’s terms, not the enemy’s! Fight as a child of the King, in union with His Son, empowered by His Spirit, and standing on His Word!
3. Commit
Commit to spending this time finding resources that will help you stay free and pure for the rest of your life!
Now is a great time to go back through the Conquer Series. This teaching resource provides a host of winning strategies for you to implement. A Conquer Group will connect you to others going through the same battle you are fighting.
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It’s important to understand that this fight is a life-long journey, and those who have gone before you can help get you to the finish line. If you are fighting alone, without proven resources, now is the time to change all that and get in the game in a brand new way!
4. Decide
Decide to find a way to experience accountability and community, even in the midst of this season of pain and isolation!
This may be more difficult to do in today’s climate, but it’s imperative that you stay plugged into some brothers who are engaged in this fight. Connect with men who are “in it to win it!” If you have a group that is meeting regularly, continue to stay plugged in.
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Most are already converting to virtual meetings and can provide weekly opportunities for you to connect in a meaningful way. If you aren’t, then now is the time to find a group. Men, you cannot do this alone.
Fighting alone is losing the battle, period. The enemy loves isolation. Darkness thrives in isolation. Community is the realm of the Light! Get into a community and live in the Light of day!
Related Article: Why Man Cannot Quit Porn Alone
We recognize these things sound simple and some are. Just by taking these four steps, you will see God work. He will bring you the relief you need to keep fighting this fight with strength, honor, hope, and health! Doing the little things really do make a huge difference.
Stay strong! Stay in the fight! Be encouraged that there are millions of brothers fighting with you!