The Impact of Sin On Future Generations
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One of the finest forms of deception is found in people who honestly believe that their choices and actions have a minimal impact on those around them. They are too blinded to see the damage that they are doing to themselves, let alone to others. If someone even alludes to such a concept, it is usually scoffed at and disregarded.
Justifying Sin
Sadly, one of the most commonly raised arguments is that the opposition’s viewpoint is simply out of date. Commonly, you will hear “Get with the times!”, or “That was then, this is now!”. Even in matters that go against the Bible, such as pornography, homosexuality, and other variations of sexual sin, society wants to justify that those things are permissible because portions of God’s Word are supposedly irrelevant.
Regardless of what you believe, there will come a time when what was once done in the dark is revealed. In Numbers 32:23, we learn that our sins will have a way of finding us out. This concept was not merely limited to the Old Covenant, as Jesus spoke about it in the New Testament.
“There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.” – Luke 12:2-3
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At some point, someone will either reap the benefits of your good decisions or pay the consequences for your poor ones.
Consequences Of Broken Covenants
Such was the case with the people of Israel under King David’s reign. A famine struck the land, and by the third year, David knew that something was just not right. It was time to take action, and the only thing he could do was seek the face of the Lord. In 2 Samuel 21:1, the Lord said, “It is on account of Saul and his blood-stained house; it is because he put the Gibeonites to death.”

A famine struck the land, and by the third year, David knew that something was just not right.
Centuries before King Saul’s reign, a peace covenant had been made between the Israelites and the Gibeonites. Saul, however, chose to violate that agreement and put many people of Gibeon to death. Now, years after his death, countless families were left to pay the price for a crime that they did not commit.
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Instead of allowing the people to perish, King David took action. Though not responsible for King Saul’s choice, David proactively chose to make atonement for the sins that had been committed in the past. Because of this, God opened the heavens and allowed rain to fall upon the parched land.
Future Generations
Today, our society is reflective of the sinful choices of generations before us. In a study conducted by Pure Desire Ministries, 68% of church-going men struggle with pornography.
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Covenant Eyes reports that 76% of women between the ages of 18 and 30 admit to viewing pornography at least once per month. And while you may be wondering, “What’s the big deal?”, studies have found that sexual sin adversely affects generations.
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In Warpath, a long-term course for men who are pursuing sexual integrity, Dr. Doug Weiss shares:
“When mom or dad are in their addiction, there’s a 64% chance that the child could move into that direction as well.”
Even if they don’t, Dr. Weiss shares that the overall impact a parent’s sexual addiction has on their lives will be extensive. Authoring the book, Beyond the Bedroom: Healing for Adult Children of Sexual Addicts, he found that 81% of adult children said their self-esteem was impacted. Furthermore, 71% felt that their marriage was significantly impacted, and 62% reported struggling with depression.
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Maybe you realize that you’re the one who is suffering the consequences of past generations. Or maybe you recognize your own sinful choices, and you do not want to leave that legacy for your children. Whatever the case may be, you are the one who gets to decide what happens from this point forward. Choosing to heal is a rich inheritance that only you can provide.
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Finding Freedom
It can be difficult to know where to begin when seeking healing from a lifetime of sexual pain and sin. But thanks to Soul Refiner, a newly released digital streaming platform, you don’t have to look any further. Soul Refiner hosts studies that help men in their pursuit of sexual purity, such as the Conquer Series and Warpath.
The Conquer Series is an introductory, 10-week course. Featuring cinematic reenactments, it combines both science and Scripture to explain how the brain is changed through the viewing of pornography or sexually acting out.
Men will learn why trying harder does not work. They will complete activities that will help them identify the root cause of their struggles. These roots may be painful childhood memories, abuse, trauma, or rejection. They will also learn how their choices impact future generations. And finally, you will begin to trade your worldly identity for your identity that is rooted in Christ.
Learn how to live permanently free from porn
Warpath, the long-term follow-up course to the Conquer Series, will continue to help you discover your God-given identity. You will learn how to become a proactive solution in your wife and children’s healing journey. Plus, you’ll learn how to wage war for the Church, and how to come alongside your brothers in Christ who are also desiring freedom from the bondage of sexual sin.
Going To War
It’s important to note that the war against sexual sin is not one that can be won in isolation. Joining a group can significantly help you walk out the healing journey. Brothers in Christ can provide you with the support, encouragement, and prayer that you will need.
Make today the day that you decide to quit putting your family on the firing line for the choices you’ve made. Wage war against the enemy and reclaim your life, your family, and your legacy. Change the trajectory of the future generations. Sign up today at