Surrendering Shame In A Grace-Filled Church
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“You can come as you are
with all your broken pieces
and all your shameful scars.
The pain you hold in your heart,
bring it all to Jesus.
You can come as you are.”
These were lyrics that we would sing in church several years ago.
What if you really could come as you are? Would it make a difference?
The answer? YES!
Come As You Are
Today, more individuals are disassociating with who they actually are as they step out into the streets of the world. People believe that they need to have a painted on smile and portray the image that their life is completely perfect.
Related Article: Who Am I? Knowing Your Identity Brings Freedom From Porn
In essence, we have built walls around ourselves and only welcome a select few (if any!) people into every corner of our lives.
The simplest answer is shame, guilt, and fear of rejection. These thoughts even follow people just like me and you into church every Sunday.
“A church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints.”-Abigail Van Buren
A large number of churches today have become passive and disengaged, refusing to deal with the hot button topics that are going on within the confines of their church.
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Porn In The Church
One of the largest issues is the issue of pornography addiction. It is completely paralyzing those who are walking through the doors of churches week after week. Individuals are struggling with such a dark sin, feeling trapped, thinking, “What will other people think?,” “How will my Pastor respond?,” and more.
Statistics have found that sexual sin is even gripping today’s church leaders. In a study commissioned by Josh McDowell Ministries, 57% of pastors and 64% of youth pastors admitted that they have struggled with pornography, either currently or in the past.
Related Article: 15 Mind-Blowing Statistics About Pornography And The Church
Sadly, individuals remain imprisoned to this bondage because they feel that there is not a safe place to find hope, help, and healing.
Refusing to tackle the tough topics only enables today’s churches to continuously operate with limited functionality. We, as Christians, are not encouraged to turn a blind eye or ignore the cries of our fellow brothers and sisters who are struggling.
“Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the spirit should restore that person gently.” -Galatians 6:1
So how do we create a plan to minister effectively to everyone, regardless of their stage of brokenness?
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Saved By Grace
Nick Stumbo of Pure Desire Ministries recently wrote a book to help churches return to the place of offering grace and true acceptance while helping individuals find complete healing. The goal is to help individuals enter into a more personal relationship with God, while drawing them out of the hostage situation that shame and guilt has placed them in.
Safe: Creating a Culture of Grace in a Climate of Shame provides practical tips and personal stories which will help revive a passion for grace within the body of Christ.
Whether you’re a church or an individual who is looking to reclaim your true identity, this book is a must read!
Related Article: Who You Say I Am
Regardless of how far gone you think you or your church might be, there is still hope!
Change can begin today when we completely surrender our fears and insecurities and begin to allow healing and grace to transform and renew us.
When we have completely torn down the walls of shame and model Jesus’ life of vulnerability, we will see a revival spark within ourselves, our family, our church, and our community.
Related Article: Christians Call For Repentance With Hopes of Revival
I hope your church will tackle the pornography epidemic head on this coming year. Click here to register for your Soul Refiner account today!