Are You Leaving A Godly Legacy?
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March 25, 2014 was a big day for me. My first child was born at home at 8:58 pm. I’ve often heard people say how remarkable the event of childbirth is. Now I know. We waited 9 months to find out the gender. We have a healthy, beautiful girl! What a blessing. Her name is Avalon Grace Wiles. Her nickname is Ava.
I remember the morning after she was born, I’ll never forget as she fell asleep on my chest. Yes, I am in love. As I laid there I began to contemplate the honor I’ve been given to raise a child. My life has been so busy for the past 10 years. I’ve been fortunate to go on some amazing adventures, but nothing comes close to the experience of holding my daughter.
What kind of legacy will I leave with Ava? Will it be lasting? Or will I only leave behind assets – money, possessions and property? What will be the legacy you leave your children?
Your greatest contribution may not be something you do, but someone you raise.
In the Conquer Series, Paul Cole, President of the Christian Men’s Network puts it perfectly: “What a man does in life becomes history, but what he puts into motion becomes his legacy.” What we put into motion is in how we treat our wives and how we raise our children. They are our ministry.
Related Article: 6 Keys To Leaving A Godly Legacy For Your Kids This Father’s Day
Leaving a Godly legacy is the purpose of parents. It’s actually commanded in scripture.
“You must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands I am giving you today. Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” - Deuteronomy 6:6-9
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Loving Well
Perhaps the greatest example of love we can show to our children, is the love we show to our wives and husbands. A child raised in a family where parents express their love to one another is not only reaffirming to the child, but those children are more likely to trust and bond with others as they grow older.
Related Article: Husbands, Here’s How To Love Your Wife Well
If you’ve watched the Conquer Series, then you’ll remember one of Dr. Ted Roberts most famous lines, “How you love your wife is how you really love Jesus Christ”.
The challenge is the same for all of us. “Will we follow Christ and fulfill His call and vision in our lives? Will we love our wives as Christ loved the Church? We will raise our children according to His ways?”
This is our legacy.