Enlisting Wounded Warriors To Combat Child Porn
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A silent war is raging all around the world. The intended targets are unsuspecting, vulnerable, and innocent children who will be lured into child pornography. Lurking in the shadows of the internet, one can find these predators – though they are not always easy to identify.
Conversation after conversation gives them the information needed to disguise themselves as someone who can be trusted. They’ll lure their victims through a number of empty promises. And when the moment seems right, they’ll attack – leaving lifelong wounds for those who didn’t deserve them.
These child predators typically don’t stop after an isolated incident. They’ll pursue more risque ways to interact with kids. Feeding off the excitement of their last ‘hit’, they’ll be desperate for another. But they don’t realize that an entire team is watching, waiting for an opportunity to take them down.
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HEROs In The Fight Against Child Porn
The team lurking in the shadows is a group of men and women who define ‘warrior’. Each of them has seen some of the fiercest battles. All have endured tragedy, loss, and have been wounded. But through it all, they are unwavering in their dedication to their fellow Americans.

Who are they? Wounded veterans, recruited from the most elite units in the United States military. Together, they’ll selflessly devote a year of their lives to one specific cause – bringing an end to child pornography.
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Serving as ‘human exploitation rescue operatives’, otherwise known as HEROs, they’ll train and work alongside law enforcement officials from around the country. Being tasked with building cases and finding suspects will require them to be subjected to graphic content which can help provide clues about victims, their location, and the suspects.
These HEROs expect nothing in return for their service. However, many are offered long-term employment opportunities in various federal, state, and local law enforcement or government agencies upon completion of this one-year program.
Finding Purpose Again
By 2018, more than 130 veterans had completed the training program successfully. Because of the efforts of Homeland Security and the organizations that partner with them, 820 exploited children were identified and rescued in 2016 alone.

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For the veterans who participate in this program, they are finding purpose once again. For many, this is a tremendous feeling as many felt robbed of their full potential due to their injuries.
Chris Wooten, a wounded U.S. Army ranger, shared how the training program impacted him before returning to his hometown in 2017 to begin his internship. He said,
“I did have a lot of buddies who weren’t able to make it home, that were killed overseas or even individuals that took their own lives when they made it back just because they didn’t have that sense of purpose anymore. I think this opportunity, even though we’re all wounded and can’t do our military job anymore, that this program allows us to serve our country again, and not only that, but help save some kids.”
In speaking for the class at their graduation ceremony, Wooten said, “This job, I’m actually going out and saving kids and stopping bad guys, and help to put bad guys behind bars by analyzing evidence and different things that help them get a prison sentence. Before, I was just sitting at a desk basically doing paperwork.”
Unsung Heroes
These men and women are the unsung heroes in the freeing of children from the pornography industry all around the world. But though they work diligently, it’s not enough.
In 2017, Daniel Ragsdale, ICE Deputy Director, shared,
“It’s daunting to see case after case after case…when you see 100-year sentences or multiple life sentences. Unfortunately, it’s still not enough. It’s certainly not tipping the scale to dissuade people who abuse children. You are joining a fight that law enforcement is having a hard time winning.”
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Eliminating Demand
Taking action requires more than speaking out against the issue. It’ll require more than a rally, a once-a-year Sunday sermon on porn, or a financial contribution to an organization that seeks to rescue and rehabilitate survivors. Destroying the child trafficking industry requires eliminating the demand.
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Yes, arresting perpetrators gets them off the streets and away from the internet. But what if we’d recognize that while pornography is a huge problem, it’s also often the symptom of something so much greater happening within?
What would happen if the Church would rise up, tackle the issue of porn, and help these men and women get free from the grip porn has on their lives before they commit crimes against children and adults?
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For one South Florida film production company, they’ve been on a mission to bring healing and freedom to those ensnared in porn’s poisonous grip. Their debut series, the Conquer Series, was first released in 2013. To date, it has helped millions of individuals across 100 countries in over 50,000 churches around the globe begin their journey to healing and freedom.
Combining both Science and Scripture, it’s been ground zero for highlighting pornography’s effect on the brain. It explains how past trauma and painful moments can contribute to the struggle. And you’ll learn about the importance of finding your identity in Christ.
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Recently, KingdomWorks Studios launched a digital streaming platform in an attempt to reach even more people around the world. Both individuals and church groups will be given access to new videos as they are released through this subscription-based model.
This will provide a comprehensive approach to inner healing for all members of your church or family. Modules will be made available for long-term healing, spousal healing, parenting, marriage, and more. Soul Refiner will take you to greater depths than you ever thought could be possible, and will ignite your healing journey. Get started today!