5 Reasons You Should Use The Conquer Series This Fall
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With just a few pages left hanging on the calendar for this year, now is the time to think back to January 1 and all the plans and goals that were set for yourself and the men of your church.
There were probably events planned such as men’s breakfasts, maybe a retreat, or possibly even a weekend conference. Such gatherings can be very beneficial, both spiritually and socially.
But what did your church do to reach deeper into the men’s lives? Did you address specific issues that men struggle with daily? How about pornography and the battles men fight every day against its destructive forces?
There is still time this year to help your men who wrestle with porn. But action must be taken now. Putting it off until next year will only allow them to stay in porn’s grip for several more months.
Fortunately, the Conquer Series, a 10-week course that is helping millions of men find freedom from porn’s bondage, can help you bring victory to your men. And you can start the program quickly before the end of the year.
1. The Church Is Desperate For Healing
Now more than ever, the leaders and men of your church are facing great challenges and Satanic attacks. Unfortunately, sexual sins and pornography are having disastrous effects on the church.
News sources show a steady stream of prominent religious leaders who have been involved in inappropriate sexual behavior – such as child pornography, molestation, and unwanted touching. Pornography is largely a contributing factor in these instances.
Related Article: What Church Leaders Should Learn From The Bill Hybels Scandal
You can begin the healing efforts in your church by guiding your men through the Conquer Series. They will learn how porn impacts the brain and hear strong Biblical teaching on sexual purity.
2. Men In Your Church Are Struggling
The struggle with porn is not something that just ‘happens in other churches’. You can’t ignore its presence in your church.
In a nationwide survey, Pure Desire Ministries found that 68% of church-going men regularly view pornography. And over 50% of church leaders also admit they view porn. Your men are looking for help to break free from porn.
Related Article: Why 68% Of Christian Men Watch Porn
In Christianity Today, Shaun Groves explained how he needed other Christians to help him.
“My friend told me he had the same problem. Turns out most of my friends did. We went to an older Christian in our church and asked him to meet with us every week and help us. This man had no great wisdom we lacked, no secret to fighting the drawing power of naked women. But what he did was listen, give us advice and pray. He became a caring mentor to all of us. The first thing he showed us was that we weren’t the only ones with these problems. We weren’t freaks. We weren’t alone anymore.”
3. Bring Healing To Families
If it was only a man’s life that was being destroyed, that would be bad enough. But porn usage has devastating effects on his whole family.
Related Article: How Viewing Porn Is Wounding Your Wife & Hurting Your Family
Porn thrives in secrecy. When a man hides his porn viewing, it creates a barrier between himself and his wife and children. The marriage suffers massive damage as the man’s porn usage increases because he fantasizes about other women and focuses his attention on them instead of his wife.
Also, because the man spends so much time alone, he has less time to be with his children being a loving father.
Related Article: 4 Ways Porn Is Hurting Our Children
The Conquer Series explains how a man’s porn viewing ruins families and guides him on the path to bringing healing to his family and leaving a positive legacy for generations to come.
4. Create Strong Leaders
The Conquer Series works best when men meet in small groups. They watch the videos and then discuss the material and apply it to their life situations.
This method helps develop strong leaders for your church. The group leaders encourage the participation of all men. They lead the discussions and help the men dig deeper within themselves to discover more about themselves and their craving for porn.
Related Article: How To Disciple Men Into Leaders
Churches never have too many strong leaders. These small group leaders develop valuable skills that will make them a great asset to the church in many areas.
5. The Time Is Now
The last few months of a year can be very hectic in a church – holiday celebrations, Christmas events, planning for the next year, preparing to run groups, and so much more. These are all wonderful and necessary activities.
But your men who struggle with pornography don’t stop fighting during the holidays.
These months can actually be even more stressful for them because of the added family responsibilities and interactions while maintaining his porn secret.
Related Article: This Is How To Deal With Porn In Your Church (VIDEO)
The Conquer Series is designed to engage men through a proven program to fight porn. The Fall is an excellent time to begin the series so they can immediately start benefiting from the lessons, especially during this stressful season.
Are You Ready To See The Healing And Restoration Of Men?
Pornography is at epidemic levels around the world. Ignoring its negative effects on your church won’t make it go away. Waiting to address it next year will just let the problem get that much worse over the final months of the year.
Church leaders need to take action now. Your men are in a daily battle that they cannot win alone. Pornography will not surrender or retreat. This Fall is the time to run to the battle.
The Conquer Series is a powerful, cinematic program that features noted experts on scientific, spiritual and social elements of porn usage. Powerful testimonies and Biblical insights challenge your men and give them vital information.
The interactive study guide, online journal, and daily devotional help the men to continue focusing on the main points of the lessons throughout the week.
This Fall, the Conquer Series can help you start the healing process. Don’t put it off until next year. Your men are hurting and need victory now.