How To Get Over Porn & Find Lasting Freedom

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How do you get over porn?

If you have struggled with pornography, then you’ve likely already asked yourself that question. You may even understand the mental, emotional and spiritual toll it is taking on your life. You know the stress it puts on your marriage, relationships with family and friends, your job, and every area of your life.

Related Article: How Viewing Porn Is Wounding Your Wife & Hurting Your Family

Your desire is to be free of porn’s tightening grip. You have probably even tried a few times to quit viewing it. It is relentless. You keep going back to your computer, isolated in your private fantasy world, and overwhelmed by the shame of your addiction.

However, you are not the only one caught in this trap. Millions of people around the world view porn. Likewise, you are not the only Christian. Studies have found that about 68% of church-going men say they have struggled with pornography.

Related Article: Why 68% of Christian Men Watch Porn

But no matter how many other people consume porn, you know that Jesus said sexually desiring any woman other than your wife is adultery. You need and want to finally get victory over porn once and for all.

Trying Harder Doesn’t Work

If you think you can overcome your porn addiction by simply using your willpower and trying harder, you will be wasting your time. If that were all it took, you would have been free by now.

You may have told God you were sorry many times. But, no matter how hard you’ve tried, you always slipped back. Without leaning on God and truly being repentant, you are trusting your own abilities, and that will not be successful.

Related Article: Trying Harder Doesn't Work

Dale Partridge, the Founder of Relearn Church, wrote,

“There’s a difference between the man who walks a hundred miles, slips into a mud puddle, gets up, wipes the mud off his clothes and continues moving forward; and the man who walks a hundred miles, slips into a mud puddle, pulls out his beach towel, stays at the mud puddle, and willingly jumps back into the mud over and over again.”

God’s Grace

God's gift of grace is unmerited, cannot be earned, and is full of unending goodness.
God's gift of grace is unmerited, cannot be earned, and is full of unending goodness.

God has already provided the answer to your problem, and it’s always available to you – his grace. He gives it freely out of love to those who have no reason to expect divine favor. His gift is unmerited, cannot be earned, and is full of unending goodness. A gift is not a gift though, until it is received.

As Phillip Holmes, the Director of Communications at the Reformed Theological Seminary, explains,

“He’s not ignorant of all the ways we’ve sinned against him. He knows everything we’ve ever done and is able to stomach it. His knowledge of who we really are will never hinder his love for us. He’s even aware of the evil behind our righteous deeds. The intimacy by which the Lord knows us but is able to lovingly embrace us as his children is supernatural. God’s grace is mind-blowing.”

And, yes, his grace covers all sin – including pornography viewing. Your shame may make you think you are unlovable and not worthy of grace and forgiveness, but that is not how God sees you.

Your Brain On Porn

Your brain is a contributing factor to your struggle with porn. Scientists have proven that the chemicals and neurological workings of your brain have a major impact on addiction.

Related Article: This is Your Brain on Porn

Dr. Tim Jennings, M.D. FAPA, the author of The God-Shaped Brain, said,

“It’s kind of like walking in a path through the field. You walk that path over and over again. It gets beaten down, and it’s easy to find that path, and it’s easy to go down that path or that trail. And in any type of behavior, whether it’s an addictive behavior or just a habit pattern, we will create trails in our brain that are just going to fire on an automatic sequence. And when we go to change behavior, we’ll be fighting against those old behaviors that are previously established.”

Dr. Ted Roberts is the founder of Pure Desire Ministries and host of the Conquer Series – a cinematic small group study helping men find freedom from pornography.

Dr. Roberts said, “Oxytocin and vasopressin are bonding hormones in your brain. God designed oxytocin to bond moms and babies together. He also uses it to bond husbands and wives when they’re skin-to-skin, but there’s where it really gets dangerous. When you’re watching porn, the same neurochemicals are present. At the moment of sexual release, your brain is flooded with these same hormones. That means you’ll become bonded with whatever you’re engaged with during those moments of release. Now that’s how you become enslaved to porn.

Related Article: How Sexual Sin Sears Your Conscience (VIDEO)

Small Group, Big Power

Trying to do this alone greatly reduces the potential of you overcoming pornography. Therefore, it is essential to get involved with a small group of godly men who are going through the Conquer Series. Here you’ll find guidance and encouragement. They will help you follow a biblical process that they have each personally experienced.

There is strength in numbers.
There is strength in numbers.

As Dr. Roberts noted, “Because you were wounded in community, you need to be healed in community.”

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Mike Newman noted, “The basics of a recovery plan from porn addiction include reducing environmental temptation, enlisting support and relationally connecting to God.” Mark Brouwer, the author and Director of 90 Days to Sexual Sanity, wrote,

“Accountability works when it is built around a process—a structure—not a single person who might or might not be there when you need them. Sexual strugglers need groups to support them, a program of recovery to change them, and friends to accept and love them.”

Related Article: How The Loneliness Epidemic Is Linked To Pornography

“There is hope,” wrote Brett Butcher for Campus Crusade for Christ International. “You can find lasting freedom. But you won’t find it alone, just you and Jesus. Breaking isolation and learning to ask for help – that’s where trust is built and freedom is found.”

A Resource To Help You Get Over Porn

Featuring powerful testimonies, teaching, scientific information, and military action scenes, the Conquer Series is a 10-episode small group resource. To date, it has helped millions of men find freedom from porn.

One 68-year-old man shared,

“I can attest, at least for myself, that more Bible reading has not worked for me. Neither has trying harder had any positive effect! I have no words of thanks great enough for the work you have done and are doing in the name of Jesus.”

There are churches in over 100 countries running Conquer Series small groups.

If you’re ready to get over porn, sign up at and start your journey to freedom.